
Federal money for programs and services that help millions of vulnerable Americans and employ many AFSCME members could be in jeopardy next year.

The cost of college increased tenfold since the 1970s. Meanwhile, the top 1% graduate debt-free and politicians continue to choose corporate tax breaks over funding for higher education.

Having college debt could mean having to put off saving for your own child’s college because you’re still paying for your own college debt. Or maybe you are having trouble paying your monthly bills because of a high monthly student loan payment.

Council 4 AFSCME offers a variety trainings and workshops to our members and recently announced several events scheduled for September through December.

Topics include multi-part trainings for Class 1 and Class 2 stewards, a look at the roles and responsibilities of local officers, workers' comp, duty of fair representation, new member outreach for leaders, tips for running an effective meeting, new laws that public sector employers are required to follow, a review of the Freedom of Information Act and a special estate planning workshop for members and guests with lunch provided.

The Council 4 union family suffered a terrible loss with the death of Service Representative Robert “Bob” Parziale, who died unexpectedly June 18 at St. Mary’s Hospital in Waterbury. He was 61.

“Parz,” as he was routinely and affectionately called, joined Council 4 in 2008 after a 20-plus year career as a state correction officer. 

The COVID-19 pandemic arrived at a time when our nation’s health care workers were already experiencing burnout. The National Academy of Medicine, in a report from 2019, said that 35% to 54% of nurses and physicians in the United States had “substantial symptoms of burnout.”

Then things got worse.

CJ Alicandro (left) is pictured with a few of their colleagues. Photo credit: AFSCME Council 75.

CJ Alicandro (left) is pictured with a few of their colleagues. Photo credit: AFSCME Council 75.

Council 4 members and the political staff achieved significant gains during the Connecticut General Assembly's most recent legislative session, which ended May 4.

Several Council 4 members from a variety of job fields spoke during public hearings this session. Many more reached out to legislators through email, calls and letters.

Through the hard work of our Council 4 members and staff and our brothers and sisters in other unions, we won many victories that benefit working people across the state — not all of which were achieved through the bills that passed.